FemCAT, a private foundation of Catalan businesspersons, has since 2004 been putting forward ideas and creating initiatives to help foster Catalonia’s economic and social development.

By articulating and giving support to projects and programs in which companies and society can work together, FemCAT aims to help Catalonia take a step forward and become a leading nation, socially and economically, in Europe and the world.

We believe that business and society must advance together, and we propose working on four areas set out in our manifesto

Millorar la nostra capacitat emprenedora i d’innovació
Improving our capacity for entrepreneurship and innovation
Ensuring the improved competitiveness of our country
Safeguarding the social cohesion of Catalonia
Showcasing Catalonia to the world


La societat catalana ha  demostrat històricament que és imaginativa, creativa i emprenedora. Cal  potenciar aquests trets característics en els propers anys, amb iniciatives que  potenciïn les empreses d’alt valor afegit, la indústria i la tecnologia,  l’economia de serveis, la nostra xarxa educativa i, sobretot, el coneixement  d’idiomes estrangers. 


6 January 2022

Education, at all levels, is one of the main tools for social, cultural, and economic progress. FemCAT is committed to higher education and research, which is an aim in itself and at the same time a measure of human development and of the creative ecosystem. FemCAT is involved with the Catalan public university system in various initiatives that have evolved as both parties deemed appropriate.

The Social Council of the Public Universities is the body for society’s participation in the University, and has the role of taking on, integrating, and relating University activity with the public sector, civil society, and the productive sector. FemCAT proposes people from the business world who can represent and help fulfill the aspirations of society with respect to the University world in the best way possible.

The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST), founded in January 2015, is an alliance of various public and private agents and six excellent research centers: the Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG), the Institute for Photonic Sciences (ICFO), the Catalan Institute for Chemical Research (ICIQ), the Catalan Institute for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2), the Institute for High-Energy Physics (IFAE), and the Institute for Biomedical Research (IRB). FemCAT is a founding partner of BIST and, since June 2015, FemCAT’s representative to its Board has been Mr. David Nogareda.


8 November 2021

The program Parliament and Business has been carried out since 2007 through an agreement with the Catalan Parliament, and with the aim of bringing the reality of business to government representatives.


8 November 2021

“Having the necessary infrastructure for the development of our country and being able to decide about it and manage it properly” is mentioned in the FemCAT Manifesto as a necessary factor for competitiveness. Between 2007 and 2010 FemCAT undertook several initiatives related to aerial competitiveness.

In collaboration with the Catalan General Council of Chambers, and with the goal of improving the ability of businesses to find people qualified for their needs, Dual Vocational Training (FP Dual) is being implemented in companies.

The Lighthouse Manifesto (Manifest del Far) was formulated in May 2014 and signed by the majority of business institutions in Catalonia, including FemCAT. In August 2015, the organizations behind this manifesto decided to reissue their commitment to the people of Catalonia’s right to self-determination. With this goal, they initiated a joint event which took place on September 3 in the auditorium of La Pedrera.

Every two years since its inception, FemCAT has organized a benchmarking trip aimed at observing first-hand some aspect in which the country being visited is a world leader. Through observation and conversation, it’s possible to extract the most important lessons, which can then be reproduced back home in Catalonia.


Pauline Pourailly  

8 November 2021

Catalunya Internacional és un consorci de composició publicoprivada que es dedica a projectar Catalunya al món. Construeix ponts entre Catalunya i la resta del món per facilitar que hi transitin persones, idees i projectes. 


Pauline Pourailly  

5 November 2021

Together with Òmnium Cultural, the Jaume Bofill Foundation, and the Institute for Catalan Studies, FemCAT has comprised the Governing Board of CATESCO, previously known as UNESCO Center for Catalonia, contributing to the definition of priorities and objectives of the association.

El programa Periodisme i Empresa està pensat per aportar als futurs periodistes la proximitat a empreses mitjanes catalanes, el seu dia a dia i la seva projecció.

How does a company contribute to society? What is the daily life of businesspeople like? Why do they like their work? What skills are required? Through a dialogue between a businessperson and Secondary School students, the program helps both to visualize aspects of life in the company and its role in society.

FemCAT has joined the initiative of the Advisory Council for Workday Timetable Reform and the Parliament of Catalonia Study Commission, coordinating participation in a pilot study. The goal of the initiative is to encourage timetable flexibility or changes within companies, which will allow for better management and organization of the workday, and thereby facilitate improved harmonization of people’s social and work lives.

Understanding that the company is co-responsible for its environment, in FemCAT we want to contribute to the labor insertion of people with disabilities, by making awareness raising actions based on concrete examples. More than people with disabilities, there are people with many different capacities, and these abilities or talents, must be able to express in full.

12a edició (2022)

De les observacions fetes durant l’últim viatge de benchmarking a Catalunya que es va realitzar en tres trams curts entre l’octubre del 2021 i el març del 2022,  sobre el paper evident de l’empresa catalana com a motor econòmic i de canvi social i que contribueix a un relat de país en positiu,  en aquest Fòrum identifiquem com a motors del creixement de futur de l’empresa: el talent, la innovació i el desig de tenir un impacte positiu. 

11th edition (2021)

Digitalisation as a national strategy, cooperation between the public and private sectors, and inclusion of companies and citizens can drive greater efficiency in public administration, making it possible to improve public policy and create optimal conditions for the digitalisation of businesses.

10th edition (2018)

Young people who leave school prematurely are more likely to have lower incomes or be unemployed, and it is predicted that the future demand for skills will make only 1 in 10 jobs available for this profile.

9th edition (2016)

At FemCAT we believe that the company is society. Improving employment prospects, particularly youth employment, must be a joint objective of all stakeholders. FemCAT Forum, held on 16 November 2016, was the meeting point of several experts who discussed the need to build medium and long term vision on work, society and country we want


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